Limestone for Professionals

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Indiana Limestone blocks are carefully extracted from our historic quarries. As a result, millions of years of geological processes have helped us provide you with select, standard, and rustic graded materials in a full range of colors. Natural Indiana Limestone blocks can enhance your architectural vision and act as a centerpiece for any residential or commercial design.


Best-in-Class Quality

For nearly a century, Indiana Limestone Company has been the leading supplier of the world’s finest stone to architects. Indiana Limestone Company provides the widest range of sizes, colors, and grades for all of our products.

You can depend on Indiana Limestone to meet your demands and time constraints with our best-in-class lead times.


Immediate Availability

Our Indiana Limestone blocks are readily available. We maintain a huge inventory and provide over 10,000 limestone blocks. This allows us to guarantee that we can meet your demands.


Extensive Inventory

For nearly a century, Indiana Limestone Company has been the leading supplier of the world’s finest stone to fabricators of all sizes. As a result, there is an extensive inventory of Indiana Limestone available for your next project in all grades and colors.



Indiana Limestone Blocks are available in select, standard, and rustic grades, each naturally formed to fit whatever your design requires.


Fine grained stone. Has a controlled minimum of inclusions and veining.


Average to large grained stone. Permits an average amount of inclusions and veining.


Large to coarse grained stone. Permits an above average amount of inclusions and veining.

Available Colors

Oolitic Stone - Standard Buff


Traditional buff color ranging from cream to light brown with some veining and grain movement visible in the face. Fine to medium grained stone.

Silver Buff


Clean buff color with subtle silver colored veining in the foreground. Fine to medium grained stone.

Rustic Buff


Traditional buff color ranging from cream to light brown with visible veining in the face. Medium to coarse grained stone.

Standard Gray


Light to medium shades of gray with some veining and grain movement visible in the face. Fine to medium grained stone.

Full Color Blend


A natural compilation of the full range of buff to medium gray shades with the same great subtle veining in a standard grade.



Wide variation of grain density and movement from piece to piece. Within the piece, visible shells, frequent voids and pits (pea to penny size, sometimes larger), some rust, pronounced calcium beds and veining.

Delivery, Storage, and Handling

No additional packaging resources available at this time.
